
Stanley & Andrea Ralph

With big smiles, big personalities, and big ideas, AE3C's founders Stanley and Andrea Ralph are making a big difference by delivering a basic need.

No matter where you live, they believe that shoes should not be a luxury. While growing up in the hills of Chantilly, Manchester, in Jamaica, West Indies, Stanley asked his mother why some children go to school without shoes. Her answer simple and stuck with him his whole life. "Not everybody is as fortunate as we are." Because car ownership or access to adequate transportation is not as common in Jamaica as the United States, people walk everywhere, and this is especially difficult for children who have to walk to school. Stanley and Adrea have made it their mission to address this need, and through AEC3C's Walk Good Project, provides thousands of pairs of shoes to the youth of Jamaica.

While the people of the cool majestic hills of Chantilly need regular shoes and sneakers, in the bitter cold Upstate New York winters, Stanley and Andrea learned that the need is for warm winter boots. AE3C is providing winter boots to the local homeless community through organizations such as Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless (IPH).

On top of the shoes initiatives in Jamaica and Upstate New York, AE3C also works with the children with disabilities in both communities.

Stanley's lifetime of dedication and hard work bolstered him on the football field and in his professional life and is now translating to his advocacy work. He was a four-year starter and captain of the University of Illinois football team. After a short stint in the NFL with the Washington Redskins and the Philadelphia Eagles, he moved on to be a partner in two sports management companies: Spike Lee's 40 Acres Sports Management and Management One, LLC where he advocated for other athletes. Now, Stanley is using his skills and network to give back to the communities that he loves.

Stanley and his wife, Andrea, the former principal at the Albany Community Charter School and their two children, Stanley III and Christal currently make Albany, New York their home - where Stanley has worked in instructional support for the Special Education Department of the City School District of Albany.

With the participate of fellow athletes, educators, entertainers and entrepreneurs, we work together to provide shoes and dignity to help bring about change in our communities - one step at a time... on pair at a time.

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A non-profit is as strong as the community that holds it up. Together, we can do more than we can do alone. Let's bring our abilities and passions together to affect real change. There are many ways to join us and support our mission. Contact us to find out more about volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and ways that you can get our message to your friends and family.